Our Mission
Our mission is to change affective, economic and social poverty conditions in high risk children, young people and families, through prevention and protection plans.
Our Vision.
We want to be the organization that serves with excelence the most quantity of high vulnerable children and families, so we could inspire and promote a culture of peace, love and Childhood.
What we stand for?
We defend that all children(boys, girls, adolescents) have rights according to the principles promoted by the United Nations Children Rights Convention.
We are alo commited with the Milenium development goals Accomplishment.
General outcomes. We are working in four main cities of Bolivia: La Paz, El Alto, Cochabamba y Santa Cruz, with social interventions through our Protection and Prevention programs which are focused on populations at high risk.
In 23 years we have helped 45.000 people among children, teeagers, public schools's teachers and communities representatives.